Friday, February 28, 2014

Chapter Coordinator Duties

  • Establish a contact person from each church
  • Select 3-5 ladies to serve as the Planning Committee
    (Consider using the pastor's wives)
  • Call and direct planning sessions
  • Appoint someone to oversee the printing and distribution of brochures and programs for the following meeting
  • Approve the monthly devotion speaker
  • Give welcome, announcements and closing at meeting
  • Introduce the speaker (or prior to the meeting, appoint someone, providing them with    information about the speaker)
  • Assign a person to establish and oversee a prayer chain.
The coordinator must view WOMEN OF WORTH as a spiritual ministry more than a social function. Although fellowship and friendships are wonderful fringe benefits, the whole effort will be in danger of turning into a social club, if the leader does not carry a burden for the spiritual growth of those who attend. Therefore, spirituality is essential for the leader. She can lead others only to the level of spiritual life she knows.

The coordinator must also be a dependable, faithful woman. Paul wrote to Timothy that the Lord called him into the ministry because he was faithful: "I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me,  for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the min- istry." I Timothy 1:12. If she promises to do a job, does she carry through? Is she faith- ful in the tasks already her responsibility? Is she faithful in church attendance and pri- vate devotions? Does she consistently have a cheerful and compassionate attitude?

The coordinator must also be personable. It is not necessary that she has a dynamic personality, but it is essential that people like her. Peter commanded us to take the oversight willingly, "Being examples to the flock." Women are unlikely to pattern after a woman they don't like or admire.

If God has laid the burden on your heart for this ministry, then perhaps you are the lady for this responsibility. It is usually the one who sees the need to whom God will give the insight to know how to fulfill her concern.

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